Free Download God Of War 2 PC Game Full Version

The original God OF War was an action packed game from start to finish. It's Greek mythology derived storyline, blanketed with larger than life set pieces and timeless characters and themes, provided the perfect backdrop to an incredibly intense and engaging action romp. We dubbed it our pick for not only best action game but overall game of the year for 2005, and to this day it stands as one of, if not the greatest, action game ever released. Though Kratos wound up sitting atop his throne as the God of War at the first game's finale, his tale was far from over. God Of War 2 picks up right where the original God Of War left off and follows the anti hero on his continued path of revenge.
While we are not going to provide any significant spoilers that anyone who is followed the game thus far would not already know, those of you who want to know absolutely nothing about the storyline of the game. The second chapter of Kratos story once again revolves around the revenge and after being Metroided out of your Godly status and powers, you head off to find the sisters of Fate to set the things right again. Well, right, is only from Kratos point of view as the story in God of War 2 is not about black and white or good versus the evil, but rather all about perspectives. Even more so than the first game, God Of War 2 taps into the Greek mythology for a vast arrangements of characters, settings and more importantly this time, purpose, power and greed. Does that make this story better? Honestly speaking, it is quite arguable and it is a close one to call, but we think so. Only time will tell us which chapter stands up stronger in the long run, but God Of War 2's storyline certainly does not disappoint. It is likely that some fellas may be a little disappointed in the ending as it is obvious Kratos journey is from over, but it is been known for some times that a third game has been planned all along so none of this should come as a shocking surprise.
All of this works to create an experience that is perfectly paced. It you are not in the center of  a fight, you are almost certainly working on one of the game's interesting puzzles. There are some times when you will find yourself climbing on walls or running down an empty pathway, though most of these times are short and the landscape around you is enough to keep your eyes engaged. Indeed, God Of War 2 is as polished and refined an experience as you will find in video gaming.  

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